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EZ ICE PRO Stability Kits

EZ ICE PRO Home Arena System™ | PRO Stability Kits

With your rink, you have also received one or more complimentary PRO Stability Kits. These are easy to install, and they are very important for maintaining stability of your rink through the wind and snow that your rink may endure this winter. Please be sure to follow the instructions provided while assembling your rink. 

Our towering 10-foot-tall PRO Netting can catch a lot of wind and snow so it is important that all nets are properly secured. If you anticipate a lot of wind or a large storm, we suggest removing your nets and replacing them after the storm. PRO Netting panels are specifically designed to be easily taken in and out so this only takes a few minutes! Any time your rink is not frozen solid, please remove the nets to ensure the stability of your rink.

When installing your EZ ICE Rink, please consider the following precaution: Do not install your PRO Netting panels before you assemble your PRO Stability Kits, which attach directly to the boards. This is most important for PRO Netting longer than 20-25 feet, depending on the strength of the windstorm.

Thank you so much. We know just how much fun you and all of the friends and family who skate on your EZ ICE PRO Home Arena System are going to have this winter and beyond! If you have any questions, never hesitate to reach out to our great team of Backyard Rink Experts.

Have a fun winter of skating! 


Small PRO Stability Kit

The Small PRO Stability kit is only required for rinks with 20 feet or more of Arena Height Boards and/or PRO Netting.

Small Stability Kit


1. Space your Small Stability Kits evenly throughout portions of your rink with Arena Height Boards and/or PRO Netting. There should be no more than one straight board between any two Small Stability Kits. Small Stability Kits should be placed roughly every other straight board. No Stability kits are required near the corners of the rink.

2. Place the Small Stability Kit (as pictured) in the center of a set of Arena Height Boards. Fill all Stability Kits with water nearly to the top (about 90% full to allow room as the water freezes). Securely cover all Stability Kits to ensure the water does not leak.

3. Use the provided strap with metal buckle to secure your Arena Height Boards to the handles of the Small Stability Kit. The strap should travel through the board handle, through the handles of both Small Stability Kits.

4. Make sure that the strap is very tight by pulling on the loose end.

Large PRO Stability Kit


Large Stability Kit

The Large PRO Stability kit is only required for rinks with 35 feet or more of Arena Height Boards and/or PRO Netting. 


  1. Space your Large Stability Kits evenly throughout portions of your rink with Arena Height Boards and/or PRO Netting. There should be no more than four straight boards between any two Large Stability Kits. No Stability kits are required near the corners of the rink.
  2. Place the Large Stability Kit (as pictured) in the center of a set of Arena Height Boards. Place two Small Stability Kits on either side of the Large Stability Kits. Fill all Stability Kits with water nearly to the top (about 90% full to allow room as the water freezes). Securely cover all Stability Kits to ensure the water does not leak.
  3. Use the provided strap with metal buckle to secure your Arena Height Boards to the Large Stability Kit. The strap should travel through the board handle, through both Small Stability Kit handles, and twice around the Large Stability Kit.
  4. Make sure that the strap is very tight by pulling on the loose end.



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